WS 2: Innovation and Cocreation with Young People (20-21 February 2020)

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Helsinki, Finland, Thursday-Friday,  20-21 February 2020

20 February: Sokos Hotel Tripla, 14:00-19:00 hours.

21 February: Yleisradio, Yle (the Finnish Broadcasting Company), Iso Paja 8:30-14:00 hours.


In this workshop, we will address one of the key challenges faced by public broadcasters around the world: How to understand and serve young Millennials and Generation Z whose life experiences, hopes and fears, and the mediated environment are so drastically different from the previous generations. We are looking to bring together key PSM program-makers and innovators,  other stakeholders and leading social scientists and media scholars whose work has focused on youth. 

The format will be interactive to stimulate discussion and dialogue between different stakeholder communities. 


The workshop is designed and hosted by Ritva Leino of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) and Hannu Nieminen from the University of Helsinki ( members of the InnoPSM Project Steering Group).

Please see the programme here.

Please see the background brief here.

Please see practical travel information here.